A juicy and lean mouth-watering mealtime favourite. Benyfit Natural Chicken Meat Feast raw dog food is packed full of human-grade, ethically sourced tasty chicken, a low fat and highly nutritious meal. Made with 80% muscle meat, 10% bone from non-laying, British chickens and 5% British ox kidney and 5% British ox liver.
80*10*10 Chicken Meat Feast - 1kg
Moisture 65.3%, Crude Protein 17.6%, Crude Fat 14.5%, Crude Ash 3.7%, Crude Fibre 0.2%, Calcium 1.1%, Phosphorous 0.5% kcal/ 100g 184.
70% British Chicken, 10% British Chicken Bone, 10% Ox Heart, 5% British Ox Liver, 5% British Ox Kidney